I am concluding my review of David Platt’s new book Radical today with my review of the final chapter. The last chapter is entitled “The Radical Experiment”. One could make a good argument that the entire book is building the case for the final chapter. The experiment is summed up in five separate challenges.
The Radical Experiment
The first challenge is to pray for the entire world. This seems simple enough at first, but interestingly Dr. Platt chose a title for this section that does not really match with what he is suggesting. What he really wants is for you to pray that God will send workers to the harvest. This is not praying for the lost, but praying for the ones that are already saved to get out there and share the gospel. I found this to be a most effective challenge and who knows, the Lord of the harvest may even send me. Of course it would not hurt to pray for the lost as well, but let’s face it when the Word of God is preached people get saved. So what we really need is more people preaching the Word of God.
The second challenge is to read through the entire Bible in a year. I have done this challenge several times in the past and it is definitely a way to become more familiar with what the Bible actually teaches. Too many of us have substituted reading what others have written about the word for the actual word. As Dr. Platt notes, we are content for our Sunday sermon or a daily two minute devotional when we should be hungering to be filled with His word every day. Set time aside to do this. It will make a difference in your life and have an effect on those around you.
The third challenge is to sacrifice a portion of your income for a specific purpose. This is not simple giving but going beyond what you can part with into actual sacrifice. This is a hard one for Americans to swallow. We typically do not want to make any sacrifices and money may be the most difficult sacrifice for us to make. I am honest enough to say that I am not there yet on this one. I have specific needs that I give to with faces attached to them, so it means more than a deduction on my income tax statement, but it does not hurt. I do actually make sacrifices of my money that do hurt but they have only been for my family. Perhaps that tells me something.
The fourth challenge is to serve in another context. As Dr. Platt states, it is even more important for us to be radical in our going. I do not necessarily agree with him that we have to go somewhere far away in order for this to make a difference in our lives. I have been serving in downtown Atlanta recently and I can drive down there in 30 minutes and it has made a difference. The more important thing is to get off your chair and go. Serve in a different capacity than you have before. Feed the hungry, or help clothe the poor- and share the Gospel with them as you do. I had the great joy a couple of weeks ago of being invited into a young lady’s house to pray for her after I helped deliver food to her. I pray that Angela has trusted my savior and His grace. It can be uncomfortable at times but at the end of the day you have a good feeling inside that God maybe used you for something outside of taking up space for a day.
The fifth challenge is to commit your life to a multiplying community. The important thing here is to remember how this was defined earlier in the book. This is not just committing to attend some mega-church but instead finding a body of believers where disciples are being made. This is the fount from which the other four challenges will flow. If you are not currently plugged into a local church you will have a difficult time meeting the challenges alone. Find a place where you can serve and get yourself plugged in.
I enjoyed this chapter very much and I hope to complete all of the challenges within a year. Not because it is some new thing or because Dr. Platt says that I should but because these are all things that we as Christians should be doing already. I will also say that overall I enjoyed this book both the first time and the second. I am sorry it took me so long to write a review but I wanted to be thorough. I will say that I do not agree with everything Dr. Platt says in the book but I definitely found some things in it that were of benefit to me. I hope that you do the same if you read it. If anyone would like to read my copy, let me know and I will get it to you.
Blessings, Bruce
Better Chaplain Series - Expect Miracles
4 days ago
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